The Rattlers met up with the Sports Zone Black team on Saturday night for the second time this winter. On this night, the Rattlers would be short 3 players.

The Rattlers offense managed to rack up 11 runs on the night, led in hits by Ethan Matthews (5), Jadien Gunnip (4) and Lucas Thelen (3). Sadowski, Capece and Capp each had 2 hits with Bombard adding one.

Unfortunately, time would run out on the close match with the Rattlers down by 2 runs, 13-11.

Jadien Gunnip treated Rattlers fans to their only home run of the night. Gunnip also put in a solid game on defense from both first base and third base.

Missing on this night: Evan Rumpel, Connor Pearce, Kenton Cochran

MVP on the night: Jadien Gunnip – 4/6 hitting with one homerun.

Team Quote: A true champion can adapt to anything.

Photo (left to right): Thelen, Gunnip, Matthews, Capp, Bombard, Capece, Sadowski