A close game on Sunday between the Rattlers and Mad Dogs was cut short by umpires who ended up calling the game after only 66 minutes in the 4th inning, with the score at 4-2.

But what made the premature ending even worse came from the mound as the Mad Dogs pitcher intentionally hit a Rattlers batter. The  player got away with the beanball, even after taunting the player he hit about it.  Apparently, the eagle-eyed umpires missed it.

And while the player should have been ejected from the game and suspended from the tournament by the officials, at least the Mad Dogs coach called a time out so he could reprimand his player. Unfortunately, it all just burned more time off the game clock.

What preceded the poor officiating and unsportsmanlike play was a competitive game that deserved to run it’s course as a full game.

Hits for the Rattlers came from Lucas Thelen (2), Daniel Capp (2), Nicholas Capece and Dylan Bertollini. Runs were scored by Thelen and Capp off of RBI’s from Capece and Bertollini. Toeing the rubber for the Rattlers was Tyler Hildreth and Griffon Filighera.